"DESCRIPTION 1"="You can select any picture you want, but for best usage it should be not bigger than 180x114 pixels. NOTE: Any existing OEM picture will be overwritten!"
"DESCRIPTION 2"="To see the picture, select "Start" | "Settings" | "Control Panel" and click "System"."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="To delete the picture, clear the field and apply your changes."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"=" "
"COMMENT 2"="Thanks to CptSiskoX [CptSiskoX@FlashMail.Com] for the "size not correct" notice."
"COMMENT 3"="Thanks to Eniac [star867@earthlink.net] for the "no <Model> text set" bug notice."
"COMMENT 4"="Thanks to Marc Hanset [mailto:marc.hanset@brutele.be] for the "picture overwritten" bug notice."
'Declaration of some constants
sI=GetWinSysDir & sI
Sub Plugin_Initialize
s=GetWinSysDir & sF
if FileExists(s) then
SetUIElement 1,s
end if
End Sub
Sub Plugin_CheckData(ElementIndex)
End Sub
Sub Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex)
sDest=GetWinSysDir & sF
If Len(sSource)>0 then
if UCase(sSource)<>UCase(sDest) then
If FileExists(sDest) then
Call FileDelete(sDest)
end if
Call FileCopy(sSource,sDest)
Call CheckFile
end if
If FileExists(sDest) then
Call FileDelete(sDest)
end if
End if
End Sub
Sub Plugin_Terminate
End Sub
Sub CheckFile
If len(s)=0 then bDispWarning1=true
If bDispWarning1=true then
Call MsgWarning("No <OEM Name> text set, this value is required to have any OEM items displayed. Please set it through the 'General Information' plug-in or your changes will not be visible.")